What is life like in a country cut off from the rest of the world? What do citizens think of an authoritarian regime? How does one live a life when one's options are limited? How do people's personalities change when they are constantly oppressed? For many, the above questions are a motivation to study totalitarian regimes and societies around the world. For me, however, they are questions I have about my own family. From 1975 to 1991, Albania was the most isolated country in Europe, if not in the entire world. People could not leave the country, there was great social oppression, and choices were limited in all areas of life. Within these frameworks, my whole family was created and grew up. From my parents to my grandparents, the authoritarian regime imposed by Enver Hoxha's Socialist Party was the only reality they knew for a large part of their lives. Today, thirty years after the fall of the socialist system in Albania, my relatives recall the past and, through the following text, give their perspective on life in an authoritarian state.
Πώς είναι η καθημερινότητα σε μια χώρα, η οποία είναι απομονωμένη από τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο; Πώς αισθάνονται οι πολίτες στα πλαίσια ενός αυταρχικού καθεστώτος; Πώς βιώνεται η ζωή όταν οι επιλογές είναι περιορισμένες; Πώς επηρεάζεται η προσωπικότητα των ανθρώπων όταν καταπιέζονται διαρκώς ; Για πολλούς, οι παραπάνω ερωτήσεις αποτελούν ένα κίνητρο μελέτης των απολυταρχικών καθεστώτων και κοινωνιών ανά τον κόσμο. Για εμένα, ωστόσο, αποτελούν ερωτήματα που έχω για την ίδια μου την οικογένεια. Από το 1975 εως το 1991, η Αλβανία αποτελούσε την πιο απομονωμένη χώρα της Ευρώπης, αν όχι ολόκληρου του κόσμου. Οι άνθρωποι δεν μπορούσαν να φύγουν από την χώρα, υπήρχε μεγάλη κοινωνική καταπίεση και οι επιλογές ήταν περιορισμένες σε όλους τους τομείς της ζωής. Μέσα σε αυτά τα πλαίσια δημιουργήθηκε και μεγάλωσε όλη μου η οικογένεια. Από τους γονείς μου εως τους παππούδες μου, το αυταρχικό καθεστώς που επιβλήθηκε από το Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα του Enver Hoxha, ήταν η μόνη πραγματικότητα που γνώριζαν για ένα μεγάλο κομμάτι της ζωής τους. Σήμερα, τριάντα χρόνια μετά την πτώση του σοσιαλιστικού συστήματος στην Αλβανία, οι συγγενείς μου ανακαλούν το παρελθόν και μέσα από το παρακάτω κείμενο δίνουν την δική τους οπτική για την ζωή μέσα σε ένα αυταρχικό κράτος.
Si është jeta e përditshme në një vend që është i izoluar nga pjesa tjetër e botës? Si ndihen qytetarët nën një regjim autoritar? Si ndikohet personaliteti i njerëzve kur ata janë vazhdimisht të shtypur? Për shumë njerëz, pyetjet e mësipërme janë një motivim për të studiuar regjimet dhe shoqëritë totalitare në mbarë botën. Për mua, megjithatë, ato janë pyetje që kam për familjen time. Nga viti 1975 deri në vitin 1991, Shqipëria ishte vendi më i izoluar në Evropë, nëse jo në të gjithë botën. Njerëzit nuk mund të largoheshin nga vendi, kishte një shtypje të madhe shoqërore dhe alternativat ishin të kufizuara në të gjitha fushat e jetës. Në këtë kontekst u krijua dhe u rrit e gjithë familja ime. Nga prindërit e mi te gjyshërit e mi, regjimi autoritar i imponuar nga Partia Socialiste e Enver Hoxhës ishte i vetmi realitet që ata njihnin për një pjesë të madhe të jetës së tyre. Sot, tridhjetë vjet pas rënies së sistemit socialist në Shqipëri, të afërmit e mi kujtojnë të shkuarën dhe përmes tekstit të mëposhtëm japin këndvështrimin e tyre për jetën në një shtet autoritar.
Erla Maranaku
Erla Maranaku is an International, European and Regional Studies undergraduate student at Panteion University, Athens, Greece.
Erla Maranaku

One Reply to ““All the roads were closed””

  1. Dear Erla – thank you for sharing your essay “All the roads were closed” about life in communist Albania.

    It’s a subject that’s intrigued me all my life, and the scarcity of available reference material makes learning more particularly satisfying.

    Your conclusions are well reasoned and articulated! Bravo!!

    Best wishes from the UK,

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