My research is called “The vanquished victors: a political vindication of the rock youth of the '90s”, and as it says is about the rock youth during the ‘90s, in order to vindicate its political positions. These positions have been disregarded many times because young people were pointed as anti-political although they were actually anti-politicians. The goal of this research is to show that the rock youth had a lot of experiences that made them aware of the context, and helped them build political positions and values that remained their own in the future. Those political ideas were not represented by politicians during the ‘90s, but human rights organizations, rock concerts and festivals offered them the right space to express themselves and built their ways of thinking. I interviewed Valeria, Lorena, Daniel and Maximiliano. They were born between 1975 and 1977 and were around 15 and 17 years old at the beginning of the ‘90s. They went to concerts of a wide selection of rock bands, they went dancing to pubs where rock music was played and attended several festivals starring rock bands. Their testimonies are key to this investigation.
Esta investigación se propone poner en valor a la juventud rockera de la década de 1990, y reivindicar sus posiciones políticas en su contexto. En una época donde la representación política está en crisis, la juventud rockera encontró en otro tipo de experiencias la posibilidad de tomar conciencia del contexto y de construir sus posiciones políticas y valores: festivales, recitales y organizaciones de derechos humanos fueron espacios clave para que la juventud pueda expresarse y consolidar sus formas de pensar. Los protagonistas de esta investigación son los cuatro entrevistados: Valeria, Lorena, Daniel y Maximiliano, nacidos entre 1975 y 1977, quienes circularon por distintos espacios clave asistiendo a recitales, boliches, festivales. Sus testimonios son las voces clave que pueden leerse en este trabajo.
Imagen de portada extraída de:
Vanesa Ocampo
History - UnTref - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Vanesa Ocampo

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