Dette projekt består af et online historie-modul med det hovedformål at genoverveje, hvordan vi underviser og forstår den danske kolonimagt og dennes historie. På grundlag af et udvalg af historiebøger fra 1980’erne til nutiden undersøges hvordan, hvorfor og med hvilket udfald, fremstillinger af dansk kolonihistorie har undergået forandring over tid: hvem handler denne historie egentlig om? Hvem portrætteres som de handlende aktører og hvorfor? Ved at placere historien som del af den proces, hvormed verdensforståelse og national selvforståelse tager form, forsøger projektet at starte samtale om både fremstillingen dansk kolonialisme såvel som de potentielle reaktioner, kolonitidens arv muligvis forlanger.
Through the creation of an online history module, this project prompts students to reconsider what they have been taught about Danish colonialism and its history. Drawing from a selection of history books from the 1980s to the present, I investigate how, why, and to what effect, narratives of Danish colonial history have changed over time: who is this history really about? Who is afforded agency and why? By situating history in tandem with world-making and national consciousness, I hope to inspire critical discussion not only on existing accounts of Danish colonialism but also on what responses its legacies might require.
Featured image by author.
Johanne Kjaersgaard
Johanne is currently on a leave of absence from her undergraduate degree in History at Princeton University. Interested in questions regarding sovereignty and statehood as an anchor of global inequality, she sought to use this project to engage with the relationship between history, imagined communities and national identity.

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